Sunday, March 31, 2013

"The Things They Carried"

In the title story, how do the things the men carry help define them as individuals? What are some of the more interesting items? Which "things" were unexpected? What would you carry if you went to war?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

 What did Jimmy Cross carry AFTER the war, both physically and emotionally?

What does Tim, the narrator, say the role of stories is? How does it compare with your idea of the role of stories?

Friday, March 29, 2013

On the Rainy River 

In the last paragraph of Chapter 4, the narrator says, “I was a coward. I went to war.” Why did  O’Brien believe it was cowardly to GO to Vietnam rather than stay home?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why did Jensen break his own nose? Did it "square" things between him and Strunk?

Why did Strunk's death seem "to relieve Dave Jensen of an enormous weight"?

"How To Tell a True War Story"
Can "a true story that never happened" truly exist? Explain. 

(Cool quote: "And in the end, really, there's nothing much to say about a true war story, except maybe 'Oh.'")

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"The Dentist"

This is a freebie. No questions. Just read it and marvel at Curt Lemon's machismo.

"Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong" 

What comments do characters make to indicate they are aware of how stories are supposed to operate? (Think of Mitchell Sanders' confidence that the Green Berets will figure into the story later.)

Does "Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong" conform to storytelling conventions or "rules," or does it break them? Explain.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Henry Dobbins uses his girlfriend's pantyhose as a good luck charm. What is your opinion of good luck charms? If you have one (and don't mind sharing), what is it? Do you truly believe this object is lucky?
Compare and contrast the way Dobbins and Kiowa view religion. Which, if either, is closest to your view of religion?  
"The Man I Killed" 
How does O'Brien (the author) personalize the soldier that "O'Brien" (the character) kills? Is this strategy effective? 
Should "O'Brien" have lied to his young daughter when she asked if he killed a man? Should he have killed the enemy soldier? Explain your responses. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"Style" and "Speaking of Courage"

In "Speaking of Courage," the narrator says, "Sometimes the bravest thing on earth was to sit
through the night and feel the cold in your bones. Courage was not always a matter of yes or
no." How does the narrator define courage? How do you define it?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

How does O'Brien mix memoir and fiction in this piece? Does it bother you not to know which parts are "true" and which parts are not? Explain.

"In the Field"
In what way does Jimmy Cross use a storytelling technique to deal with his role in Kiowa's death? Is he successful? Explain. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Good Form"
Explain the difference between story-truth and happening-truth. Which is more powerful?
"Field Trip"
Write about a place that once had emotional significance for you, but when you returned there, you found it different or disappointing. Alternately, write about an experience that is very different for you now than it was as a child.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Ghost Soldiers"
Discuss camaraderie and the role of teams as these concepts relate to this section. How is "O'Brien" affected by no longer being part of a combat team? How does his departure affect his relationship with his former teammates?  

Monday, March 18, 2013

"Night Life" 
According to O'Brien, how did soldiers use the expression "Night Life" in this story?

"The Lives of the Dead" 
What is the significance of the red hat? Did O'Brien's revelation about why Linda wore it surprise you?