Sunday, March 31, 2013

"The Things They Carried"

In the title story, how do the things the men carry help define them as individuals? What are some of the more interesting items? Which "things" were unexpected? What would you carry if you went to war?


  1. The things they carry help define them as individuals because some of the things they carry are personal to them. For example, Jimmy Cross carried with him the pebble that the girl he loves sent to him as a good luck charm.
    Some of the more interesting items to me were mostly the good luck charms that the men carried. Like the rabbit foot and the pebble.
    The things that were unexpected were the condoms because I don't really understand why he would need them during the war.
    If I went to the war I would most likely carry photographs and letters with me of and from the ones that I love like Lt. Cross did.

    1. Emma, you're the first to post. Congratulations! More to come on Lt. Cross and his possessions. Keep reading. :)

  2. The things they carried showed what type of soldier and person they are. An interesting item was a rabbits foot , the foot showed the Superstition and the fear the man foot. I was hit with confused when someone was caring a condom, that is not the type of protection they need in Vietnamese jungles. If i went to war I would carry a picture of my love ones, a samurai sword, and an american flag

    1. The condoms are certainly stirring up debate ... Thanks for posting, Grant. Why would you carry a samurai sword?

    2. You never know when it would come in handy

    3. I guess if you ever fought a samurai, you'd be ready. :)

  3. The things they carried along with them showed what type of person they are and what is most important to them. The most interesting item to me was the pantyhose, it was a different but unique way of remembering his girlfriend. The condom was unexpected, that's not something a soldier would need while fighting in a war. I would carry pictures of people that I loved and also lots of food.

    1. I suppose the things we would each carry would depend in part on our personal belief system(s) — the things that are most important to us — but also our physical strength. Some things are just too heavy. Pantyhose have the advantage of weighing little. :)

  4. The things that the soldiers carry certainly help to define each of them as individuals. Ted Lavender carrying marijuana and tranquilizers in order to calm down shows that he is very timid, maybe even scared with war. Kiowa carrying a hatchet and a version of the New Testament indicates his religious outlook on life. An interesting item to me is Lt. Jimmy Cross carrying pictures of Martha. I think that it is interesting that he devoted so much of his time and emotions into her, only to be unsure whether or not she truly loves him. After Lavender's death, he burns the pictures. In my opinion, he does this in order to show that he does not want her to interfere with his work, and get another one of his men killed. An unexpected item was the superstitious Dobbins carrying his girlfriend's pantyhose around his neck. The idea that Cross kept Martha's lucky pebble in his mouth is also odd. If I had to carry anything into war, I would most likely take a picture of my family like many soldiers today do, in order to hopefully return to them one day.

    1. The pebble is, I think, the strangest of the objects carried. And yet, in an odd way, it makes sense.

  5. The soldiers carry personal items. These define them, because they can only carry the necessities, but what is necessary varies from man to man. The different items show different pasts and personalities and what each man defines as his necessity, whether pictures and Bibles or even condoms and dope. The tranquilizers and comic books and slingshots, though strange, carry a different meaning and value to the carrier. It provides a sense of normalcy and protection. If I was in war, I would carry a notebook and pencil, stashed with pictures and letters. War would probably heighten any anxiety and sadness, so writing about any and all happy things would definitely help me cope.

    1. Very original ideas on what to carry, Sam. I agree that writing and focusing on positives would help immensely.

  6. The things that the soldiers carry reflect their own personalities and things that symbolize where they come from. Some carry things that remind them of home and their wives. I thought it was weird that one man carried a dead mans thumb. Not most people would cut off someones thumb and carry it around.. Some of the interesting items were the lucky items, like the pebble and the rabbit's foot. If I went to war I would carry photos of my family and loved ones.

    1. The dead man's thumb reappears later in the novel, Tiffany. Keep reading!

  7. The items the men carried defined them as individuals by showing the reader what is important to them. For example, Kiowa brought a hatchet to remind him of his family and of his home. Some of the more interesting items they carried included M&Ms, a pair of moccasins, and a pair of pantyhose. The most surprising item was carried by Norman Bowker. He carried a human thumb that was cut off a dead boy they found on their journey. If I went to war, I would bring pictures and letters from my friends and family to remind me of happier times and to remind me that I would be home with them soon.

    1. Norman's souvenir thumb will play a role later in the novel, Bethany. I agree — I would bring letters and photos, too. (Maybe stored digitally, these days.)

  8. The things they carried define them as individuals by showing what they are willing to carry the weight of day after day. The things describe each of the unique characters by showing the object they desired to keep with them based on beliefs or values. Some of the more interesting and unexpected items carried were tranquilizers, pantyhose, and dope. I probably would bringing dice, cards, and would be the guy who carried a turret.

    1. You're the first person to ever say you would carry a turret, Evan. The dice and cards would be valuable in building friendships and taking your mind off the problems of war.

  9. The things the soldiers carried define not only their personalities but also about their life in general. Some of the more interesting things they carried are condoms, dope, pantyhose, and M&M's. I wouldn't think of bringing condoms with me to war because that isn't what I would be thinking about especially if I had a family back at home. Pantyhose was another interesting one mostly because of what he did with them. If I had to go to war I would bring something of my mom's because then I would feel like she was with me while I was away.

    1. That's a good choice, Savannah. The M&Ms could also be valuable as a way to make friends and/or to trade for items that you want.

  10. The things they carried mostly seemed to be items of no value, but had sentimental value to the soldier. I thought the condoms were both interesting and unexpected because I guess he was thinking ahead and being smart, but I would not be looking to do things like that while at war. If I were to go to war I'd bring a bandana to make into a headband because I like my bandana and hair/sweat gets annoying.

    1. Of course, you would probably have much shorter hair in the military than you do in civilian life, Jake. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The things they carry help define them as a person. Who they are, how they act, and what type of person they would be like. One of the most unexpected things was that most of them didn't wear underwear. The dope and condoms were the only two interesting items to me. I wouldn't think a soldier would be fighting "drugged" up.

    1. As long as there have been drugs and soldiers, the two have mixed, Leelee. Not all soldiers, of course, but some of them.

  12. The things that the men carry define their personal connections to the outside world. For example, Jimmy Cross carries the pebble that was given to him by Martha to keep her in his memory. Some of the more interesting items are the entertainment items, like the gum, candy, and comic books. The dope was an unexpected item, because I wouldn't imagine it being a good idea to be fighting a war while on drugs. I would take some sort of device to play music, since music is my way of excaping the world.

    1. I could see myself carrying comic books and then getting angry if somebody bent back the covers ...

      Music of some sort is a good idea, too, Ryan.

  13. The things that the soldiers carried defined them as a person in the way that the things you or I carry in our bags define us as people. Joining or being drafted into the war doesn't invalidate the life you lived at home and your unique personality before the war, although it may feel that way. That's why they carry the things they do. They don't want to feel like they are just another number on a piece of paper, so they carry very personal items to remind themselves that they are a person and not just another pawn in a game of chess. The pictures Lt. Cross carried of Martha connected him to the past, and although it may not have been a pretty one, it was an escape from the war and a reminder that he is a human with a life and a past. I think the strangest things that are carried are the pantyhose and the condom. I get the image of a big, bulking man running around a battle field with guns and a pair of pantyhose tied around his neck and I laugh. The condom is strange for the obvious reason that there are not too many women in Vietnam readily available for sex at that time. Perhaps it is a symbol of safety? If I were to go to war I would carry some type of pebble or crystal because it's small and practically weightless, and at any time I could stick my hand in my pocket and fumble around with it to take my mind off things and I could admire it at anytime because I like rocks and crystals.

    1. *hulking (not bulking)

    2. I like your interpretation of the condom, Cecilia. Yes, it could represent safety. The crystal is a neat idea, too.

  14. The things they carried defined them as individuals because it showed that behind each strong fighter there was a man who still found comfort in personal items. Each person carried different things that were important, such as a lucky rock or a bible. Some of the interesting things were condoms and moccasins. You wouldn't need those on a mission. A few unexpected items were dope and a human thumb. The thumb is just creepy and it just seems like it would be difficult to fight under the influence of drugs. If I was in war I would probably carry a stuffed animal to hug and play with. Having a fluffy toy would be calming in times of stress during war. Maybe I'd have a book or some pictures.

    1. I could think of military situations where you might need both of your interesting items. :)

      Your stuffed animal choice is unique, Abby.

  15. The things the soldiers carried defined them as individuals because many of them brought things that were personal and meant something to them. The different objects show different personalities. Some of the interesting things that were carried were pantyhose, condoms, a human thumb, and M&Ms. If I was in war I would carry pictures and letters from my loved ones.

    1. Good choices, Amber. Do the objects they carry also indicate their rank and importance?

  16. The things the men carried represented who they were and each item had a different significance meaning to them individually. Some of the things I found to be interesting were the rock that Lt. Jimmy Cross had and the human thumb that Norman Baker carried. I was not too surprised that the men carried dope with them, but I was a little alarmed when I read that Ted Lavender shot himself with tranquilizers to calm himself down. Although the tranquilizers were weird and unexpected, they did help him when he was killed because he couldn't feel anything. If I was in the war, I would carry things such as pictures of my friends and family and maybe an item that had significance to them and would remind me of them.

    1. What might that item be, Kira?

      You'll see many of these characters again in later stories, including ones who died in this first tale.
